The Evil Rare

Princess Fieryclaw woke up startled by the noise outside, she leaped out of her den seeing her brother hunting for bunnies. "why are you hunting so early and why did you have to growl so loud!?" groaned Princess Fieryclaw. Then her brother Major MajorMajor grabbed the bunny and hunted it. Fieryclaw P. squeezed her eyes shut as he devoured it. "might as well do something since i'm up" said Fieryclaw P. as she wrote a note to her parents that she was going out, and hung it on the door. She reminded herself that this was not a school day; and ran to jamma township. "i hope i meet Magical Shybunny" said Princess F. C. Even though her BFF's last name was 'bunny', she was not a bunny at all; she was a wolf like Princess Fieryclaw. She ran in the mall hoping to find Magical somewhere and she found her standing next to a sign that said: Be another animal in seconds! just drink the potion and be that animal! to turn back just drink * your animal* potion! Princess rushed  over and chatted for a looong time. intill Magical said "lets buy something!" they rushed all over looking for something to buy intill they found a sign that said:
RARE- RARE- RARE this rare can be ANY rare you want it to be! from bows and arrows to gloves to ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!! #for members only#
They could not help themselves! they both got one even though they had to spend there whole allowance on it. (10,000 gems)  They bought it and put it on right away, as soon as they did it they began to glow; there eyes turned colors there brain changed. Now there brain was thinking only rares rares rares rares they became evil and nasty and din't care about other animals, all they wanted was RARES RARES RARES and that magic--evil rare was ALSO mind controlling them not to take it off. Then Internal Jellybean there friend was wearing a worn blanket and was coming toward them and said "whatsup?" Then as soon as they saw his worn there eyes glowed red and they said "GIVE ME YOUR WORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Internal ran away to Mt. shiver and thought what has gotten into these girls? They ran everywhere scamming and hacking and more scamming. Internal  Thought what to do:

  1. give the girls the worn
  2. dump them
  3. figger out what has gotten into them and fix them
number 3 seemed the best so he hid in there den and spied, first was Princesses den...
more comming soon....

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